Obadiah: Unbrotherly Love

The Message of Obadiah: Obadiah was sent to describe Edom’s crimes and to pronounce total destruction upon them because of their treatment of Israel.

The fall of Edom was to be God’s judgment on it because its overriding and offensive sin of pride. Nations and individuals reap what they sow.

Key Verse

For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head.
Obadiah 1:15 (NASB)

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Content Outline

Setting and Timeline

“Obadiah is a case study of the curses/blessings in Genesis 12:1-3, with two interrelated themes: (1) the judgment of Edom by God for cursing Israel.

(2) Judah’s restoration. This would even include the territory of the Edomites (vv. 19-21; Is. 11:14).

Obadiah’s blessing for Judah includes the near fulfillment of Edom’s demise (vv. 1-14) and the far fulfillment of the nations’ judgment and Israel’s final possession of Edom (vv. 15-21).”
Dr. John MacArthur

“Obadiah’s themes are (1) the evil of long-standing family feuds, (2) the certainty that people eventually suffer for the way they treat others, and (3) the assurance that Israel’s enemies will be defeated and the kingdom established in the land.”
Dr. Warren Wiersbe

“The theme of the book is a denunciation of Edom. The fall of Edom was to be God’s judgment on it because of its overriding and offensive sin of pride.

Nothing lies so much at the heart of the problems of the human race as this prideful desire to take over God’s place or, which amounts nearly to the same thing, to pretend that we can do without him.”
Dr. James Montgomery Boice

“Obadiah tells us that God will deal justly with those who harm His people. But his book is also a subtle reminder of the importance of family loyalty.

We should do our best to live in peace with those we love. As Psalm 133 puts it, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.”
Dr. David Jeremiah

About the Author


  • The Minor Prophets Volume 1 (Hosea – Jonah): An Expositional Commentary by James Montgomery Boice
  • Be Concerned: an OT Commentary on the Minor Prophets by Warren W. Wiersbe
  • The MacArthur Bible Commentary: by John MacArthur
  • The Bible Project: Obadiah
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